Abby Feinknopf

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Watercolor Wednesday!

When I was six years old, my grandfather owned a farm in the hills of West Virginia. After my grandfather's passing, my Dad would drive my brothers and me out to the farm on Saturdays in the summer. I loved being wedged in between by brothers, bouncing along in the old pick up truck along the dusty two lane roads. Upon arrival, we'd all set to work. Admittedly, I got off easy as my job was to stay away from the road and to play safely, while my Dad and brothers tended to the garden and mowing. I now understand why my brothers didn't share my delight in heading to the farm on weekends...there is a difference between work and play!

After un-sticking my legs from the bench seat, I'd scoot out of the truck, jump down and head off looking for my friends, the cows. I'd venture down the hill to the dark, coolness of the barn when the sun overhead grew too hot and I could feel my part burning between by piggy tails. Old tractors and farm implements filled one part of the barn. I didn't spend much time there, as I was afraid of spiders and my brother, George was always warning me to watch out for snakes. So instead I would shoo the cows out of the back of the barn and I'd meander out into the fields with them as they grazed (watching my step of course)!

I distinctly remember how tiger lilies and blackberry brambles were everywhere, drooping in the hot sun!

One summer the farmhouse was rented to a group of kids, "Hippies" as Dad called them. They were friendly and I remember them inviting me to come into the farmhouse kitchen where they were steaming tiger lilly blossoms and dipping them in butter. I also remember my brother yanking me out before I got to taste them!

As the sun gets hotter here, summer memories come flooding back! What's your favorite childhood summer memory?