I have taken care to package them in waterproof ziploc bags, because we are headed to drizzly Seattle first!
I can't wait to find some unique spots aboard our overnight train from Seattle! Then I will leave an artistic trail through San Francisco, all the way back to Columbus! I hope that everyone who finds my gift will reach out and share their experience at i.found.artwork@gmail.com!
I encourage you to join the project- go to Facebook and search the Art Abandonment group, ask to join and once they respond, you will find great samples of previous abandonments from all over the place, you will also have access to templates for gift tags to leave with your art!
Even if you don't consider yourself an artist, there are always ways you can give...and often it takes just one teensy show of compassion, or random act of kindness to lift someone's heart and spirit...so abandon art, or just abandon something of your self! It will not only make you and your recipient happy, it will give you wings!