Earlier this week I was in the waiting room of my son's dentist office, sitting and needlepointing, waiting for him to finish his appointment, truly waiting to learn if he had dodged cavities again! He's one lucky sugar hound!
A little boy, 4 yrs old I'd guess, walked in the door with his mom and baby sister. He was adorable...curly brown hair, round face with pink cherub-like cheeks! He b-lined right up to me, placing his tiny, chubby hands on my knees and said, "Hi! Whatcha doin'?" Before I could answer, he returned straight to his mom, I think because he realized (and was startled) he didn't know me after all!
So here's what I'm doin'!
Yesterday in the studio was spent playing with watercolors! Working with the Caran D'ache crayons on both paper and cotton, just seeing what comes out on cloth, primarily. I was also prepping more fabric collage pages with selvedges! I was trying to rebuild my foundation pieces that I use in collages, both paper and fabric, so they are at the ready when inspiration strikes!
LOVE how these came out! Will probably embroider these further...
This collage base has been bugging me...I could take it a few different directions but can't decide which, so it sits in time out for now!
oh well... moving on...
Yesterday I also put out an email and Facebook plea to local friends and fellow sewers...I am in need of more selvedges! My stash is dwindling and I am seeking selvedges cut from cottons or home dec fabrics, with their typography and any hints of the original fabric from which they were cut. All colors but would love bright pinks, lime greens, etc. Spread the word...I'll arrange to pick up and I'll barter with home baked cookies or a starbuck's card!